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You'll Get the Fever!

Are you finding that your days off are filled with boring mundane tasks such as shopping or emptying the fur baring greylar out of your excess toxic waste tanks?  Well boredom is a thing of the past.  Toru Iwatani from the NAMCO sector of the Midway, has designed the ultimate in extreme gaming. The playing field is a maze.  The only way out of the maze is a door that leads back in, and besides having to travel through the never ending labyrinth, the playing field is full of ghosts hunting the players.  But don't be too frightened.  Hidden throughout the maze are anti-anxiety pills that give the players the ability to swallow those ghosts whole. Do you dare to step into this arena?  Those that did already have the fever. This advertisement paid for by Jodi Fahl and NAMCO Inc.

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